Module tk_steroids.elements
def main()
class BufferShower (parent, string_buffer, max_entries=100)
Redirect any string buffer to be printed on this buffer reader. Bit like a non-interactive console window.
string_buffer Like StringIO, or sys.stdout
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class BufferShower(tk.Frame): ''' Redirect any string buffer to be printed on this buffer reader. Bit like a non-interactive console window. ''' def __init__(self, parent, string_buffer, max_entries=100): ''' string_buffer Like StringIO, or sys.stdout ''' tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.string_buffer = string_buffer self.max_entries = max_entries self.entries = 0 self.offset = 0 self.text = tkinter.scrolledtext.ScrolledText(self) self.text.grid() self.parent.after(20, self.callback) def callback(self): for line in self.string_buffer: if self.entries > self.max_entries: self.text.delete('1.0','2.0') self.text.insert(tk.END, line) self.text.yview(tk.END) self.entries += 1 self.offset = self.string_buffer.tell() self.parent.after(20, self.callback)
- tkinter.Frame
- tkinter.Widget
- tkinter.BaseWidget
- tkinter.Misc
- tkinter.Pack
- tkinter.Place
- tkinter.Grid
def callback(self)
class ButtonsFrame (parent, button_names, button_commands, title='', label='', horizontal=True)
If you just need a frame with simply buttons (with a callback) next to each other, use this widget.
- Tkinter button objects
- If label given at init, store the tk.Label object in this attibute
- If True, grid buttons horizontally. If False, grid vertically.
- If set, init using LabelFrame that encloses the buttons and use this text (title) as the label.
- Alternative or complementary to the title option, just adds a tk.Label as the first button (if avoiding the LabelFrame box is desired).
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class ButtonsFrame(tk.Frame): ''' If you just need a frame with simply buttons (with a callback) next to each other, use this widget. Attributes ---------- buttons : list of objects Tkinter button objects label : object or None If label given at init, store the tk.Label object in this attibute ''' def __init__(self, parent, button_names, button_commands, title='', label='', horizontal=True): ''' Arguments --------- horizontal : bool If True, grid buttons horizontally. If False, grid vertically. title : string If set, init using LabelFrame that encloses the buttons and use this text (title) as the label. label : string Alternative or complementary to the title option, just adds a tk.Label as the first button (if avoiding the LabelFrame box is desired). ''' tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent if title: target = tk.LabelFrame(self, text=title) target.grid() else: target = self if label: self.label = tk.Label(self, text=label) if horizontal: self.label.grid(row=1, column=0) else: self.label.grid(row=0, column=1) else: self.label = None self.buttons = [] for i_button, (name, command) in enumerate(zip(button_names, button_commands)): button = tk.Button(target, text=name, command=command) if horizontal: button.grid(row=1, column=i_button+1) else: button.grid(row=i_button+1, column=1) self.buttons.append(button) def get_buttons(self): ''' Returns the initialized buttons in the order that the buttons_kwargs were delivered in the ButtonsFrame constructor. ''' return self.buttons
- tkinter.Frame
- tkinter.Widget
- tkinter.BaseWidget
- tkinter.Misc
- tkinter.Pack
- tkinter.Place
- tkinter.Grid
Returns the initialized buttons in the order that the buttons_kwargs were delivered in the ButtonsFrame constructor.
class ColorExplanation (parent, colors, help_strings)
If colors were used in the GUI, this widget can be used easily to create help texts to explain meaning of the colors.
Construct a frame widget with the parent MASTER.
Valid resource names: background, bd, bg, borderwidth, class, colormap, container, cursor, height, highlightbackground, highlightcolor, highlightthickness, relief, takefocus, visual, width.
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class ColorExplanation(tk.Frame): ''' If colors were used in the GUI, this widget can be used easily to create help texts to explain meaning of the colors. ''' def __init__(self, parent, colors, help_strings): tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent) for i_row, (color, string) in enumerate(zip(colors, help_strings)): tk.Canvas(self, width=30, height=15, bg=color).grid(row=i_row, column=0, sticky='W') tk.Label(self, text=string, font=('System', 8)).grid(row=i_row, column=1, sticky='W')
- tkinter.Frame
- tkinter.Widget
- tkinter.BaseWidget
- tkinter.Misc
- tkinter.Pack
- tkinter.Place
- tkinter.Grid
class DropdownList (parent, options, fancynames=None, label=None, default=None, callback=None, **kwargs)
A drop-in replacement for TickboxFrame using tkinter's OptionMenu (looks just like OptionMenu)
- Underlying tkinter OptionMenu object
- Underlying tkinter Label object (if label was specified at init)
Construct a frame widget with the parent MASTER.
Valid resource names: background, bd, bg, borderwidth, class, colormap, container, cursor, height, highlightbackground, highlightcolor, highlightthickness, relief, takefocus, visual, width.
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class DropdownList(tk.Frame): ''' A drop-in replacement for TickboxFrame using tkinter's OptionMenu (looks just like OptionMenu) Attributes ---------- option_menu : object Underlying tkinter OptionMenu object label : object Underlying tkinter Label object (if label was specified at init) ''' def __init__(self, parent, options, fancynames=None, label=None, default=None, callback=None, **kwargs): tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.__options = options self.columnconfigure(2, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(1, weight=1) # Check fancynames to show if fancynames is None: fancynames = options else: if len(fancynames) != len(options): raise ValueError('options and fancynames different lengths, {} vs {}'.format( len(fancynames), len(options))) self._fancynames = fancynames self._state = tk.StringVar(self) self._state.set(fancynames[0]) if callback is not None: if callable(callback): self._state.trace('w', lambda *args: callback()) else: raise ValueError('callback has to be callable or none, now {}'.format(callback)) self.option_menu = tk.OptionMenu(self, self._state, *fancynames) self.option_menu.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky='NSWE') if label: self.label = tk.Label(self, text=label) self.label.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='NSWE') @property def states(self): index = self._fancynames.index(self._state.get()) current = self.__options[index] return {option: current == option for option in self.__options} @property def ticked(self): ''' Returns a list of one item, the current selection. ''' index = self._fancynames.index(self._state.get()) return [self.__options[index]]
- tkinter.Frame
- tkinter.Widget
- tkinter.BaseWidget
- tkinter.Misc
- tkinter.Pack
- tkinter.Place
- tkinter.Grid
Instance variables
prop states
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@property def states(self): index = self._fancynames.index(self._state.get()) current = self.__options[index] return {option: current == option for option in self.__options}
prop ticked
Returns a list of one item, the current selection.
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@property def ticked(self): ''' Returns a list of one item, the current selection. ''' index = self._fancynames.index(self._state.get()) return [self.__options[index]]
class Listbox (parent, selections, callback, maintain_selected=True)
Tkinter's Listbox and Scrollbar wrapped for convienece.
At the init, it takes in a list of selectable options, and a callback function. When the user selects and item, it evokes the callback that receives the user selection (one of the selectable options) as the input (or None if no selection).
- Items that show up in the listbox
- The callback function
- Parent widget
- Tkinter's Listbox widget
- Tkinter's Scrollbar widget
- If true, clicking other Listboxes or widgets does not make the current selection to None (deselecting the selected)
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class Listbox(tk.Frame): '''Tkinter's Listbox and Scrollbar wrapped for convienece. At the init, it takes in a list of selectable options, and a callback function. When the user selects and item, it evokes the callback that receives the user selection (one of the selectable options) as the input (or None if no selection). Attributes ---------- selections : list of strings Items that show up in the listbox callback : callable The callback function parent : object Parent widget listbox : object Tkinter's Listbox widget scrollbar : object Tkinter's Scrollbar widget ''' def __init__(self, parent, selections, callback, maintain_selected=True): ''' maintain_selected : bool If true, clicking other Listboxes or widgets does not make the current selection to None (deselecting the selected) ''' tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.maintain_selected = maintain_selected self.listbox = tk.Listbox(self, height=20) self.listbox.grid(sticky='NSEW') self.scrollbar= tk.Scrollbar(self, orient='vertical', command=self.listbox.yview) self.scrollbar.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='NS') self.listbox.config(yscrollcommand=self.scrollbar.set) self.set_selections(selections) # self.selections = selections self.callback = callback self.listbox.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', self._call_callback) # Make the listbox to stretch in North-South to take all the available space self.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self._previous_selection = None self._state_valid = True def _call_callback(self, *args): '''Validate selection and the callback and call back ''' try: sel = self.listbox.curselection()[0] argument = self.selections[sel] self._previous_selection = argument self._state_valid = True except: argument = None if not argument is None and callable(self.callback): self.callback(self.selections[sel]) def set_selections(self, selections, colors=None): '''Reset the selectables Options ------- selections : list of strings colors : list A list of valid tkinter colors. It sets the background color for each selectable in the Listbox. ''' # Empty current as it may have old entries self.listbox.delete(0, tk.END) self.selections = selections for i_item, item in enumerate(self.selections): self.listbox.insert(tk.END, item) if colors: self.listbox.itemconfig(i_item, bg=colors[i_item]) def disable(self): '''Makes the listbox's state unselectable ''' self.listbox.configure(state=tk.DISABLED) def enable(self): '''Makes the listbox's state selectable ''' self.listbox.configure(state=tk.NORMAL) def get_current(self): '''Returns the current selection. Returns None if no selection has been made. ''' if not self._state_valid: return None try: sel = self.listbox.curselection()[0] return self.selections[sel] except: return self._previous_selection @property def current(self): ''' current : string The current selection ''' return self.get_current() @current.setter def current(self, value): if value is None: self._state_valid = False return if value not in self.selections: raise ValueError(f'"{value}" not in the selections {self.selections}') index = self.selections.index(value) self.listbox.select_set(index)
- tkinter.Frame
- tkinter.Widget
- tkinter.BaseWidget
- tkinter.Misc
- tkinter.Pack
- tkinter.Place
- tkinter.Grid
Instance variables
prop current
current : string The current selection
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@property def current(self): ''' current : string The current selection ''' return self.get_current()
def disable(self)
Makes the listbox's state unselectable
def enable(self)
Makes the listbox's state selectable
def get_current(self)
Returns the current selection.
Returns None if no selection has been made.
def set_selections(self, selections, colors=None)
Reset the selectables
selections : list of strings
colors : list A list of valid tkinter colors. It sets the background color for each selectable in the Listbox.
class SliderFrame (parent, options, fancynames=None, defaults=None, ncols=1, ranges=None, default_range=(0, 1), resolutions=None, default_resolution=0.01)
Multiple sliders (similar to TickboxFrame)
- Names of the variables that the sliders control
- Tkinter Label widgets
- Tkinter Scale widgets
parent : object Tkinter parent widget options : list of strings Names of the variables that the sliders control fancynames : list of strings, or None Optional, "fancy" names that are shown to the user defaults : list or None Slider default values ncols : int Reserved, not yet implemented. ranges : list of tuples Slider specific ranges (min, max) or None for each slider. default_range : tuple of numerical values Default (min, max) range resolutions : list of numerical values Slider specific resolutions or None for each slider. default_resolution : numerical Default slider resolution
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class SliderFrame(tk.Frame): ''' Multiple sliders (similar to TickboxFrame) Attributes ---------- options : list Names of the variables that the sliders control labels : list Tkinter Label widgets sliders : list Tkinter Scale widgets ''' def __init__(self, parent, options, fancynames=None, defaults=None, ncols=1, ranges=None, default_range=(0,1), resolutions=None, default_resolution=0.01): ''' Options ------- parent : object Tkinter parent widget options : list of strings Names of the variables that the sliders control fancynames : list of strings, or None Optional, "fancy" names that are shown to the user defaults : list or None Slider default values ncols : int Reserved, not yet implemented. ranges : list of tuples Slider specific ranges (min, max) or None for each slider. default_range : tuple of numerical values Default (min, max) range resolutions : list of numerical values Slider specific resolutions or None for each slider. default_resolution : numerical Default slider resolution ''' tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) self.options = options self.labels = [] self.sliders = [] for i_row, name in enumerate(options): if fancynames and fancynames[i_row]: fancyname = fancynames[i_row] else: fancyname = name label = tk.Label(self, text=fancyname) label.grid(row=i_row, column=0) if ranges and ranges[i_row]: A, B = ranges[i_row] else: A, B = default_range if resolutions and resolutions[i_row]: resolution = resolutions[i_row] else: resolution = default_resolution slider = tk.Scale(self, from_=A, to=B, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, resolution=resolution) slider.grid(row=i_row, column=1, sticky='WE') if defaults and defaults[i_row]: slider.set(defaults[i_row]) self.labels.append(label) self.sliders.append(slider) @property def states(self): ''' Returns the slider values dictionary. Keys are slider names (options) and items are slider values. ''' return {option: slider.get() for option, slider in zip(self.options, self.sliders)} @states.setter def states(self, s): for slider, option in zip(self.sliders, self.options): value = s.get(option, None) if value is not None: slider.set(value)
- tkinter.Frame
- tkinter.Widget
- tkinter.BaseWidget
- tkinter.Misc
- tkinter.Pack
- tkinter.Place
- tkinter.Grid
Instance variables
prop states
Returns the slider values dictionary. Keys are slider names (options) and items are slider values.
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@property def states(self): ''' Returns the slider values dictionary. Keys are slider names (options) and items are slider values. ''' return {option: slider.get() for option, slider in zip(self.options, self.sliders)}
class Tabs (parent, tab_names, elements=None, draw_frame=False, on_select_callback=None)
Tabs widget. Can contain any tkinter widgets.
- Index of the currently selected tab.
- List of tk.Button instances.
- A list of Tkinter widgets the tab holds.
Initializing the tabs.
- Tkinter parent widget
- Human readable names, shown in the buttons
If None (by default), initializes tk.Frames as tabs. You can get these tk.Frames are in pages attribute.
Can also classes, that get initialized as this Tabs class as the sole argument.
- If True, draw an extra frame to confine the tabs
- Callback that is executed just before changing the tab. Has to take in one argument that is new i_current (integer).
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class Tabs(tk.Frame): ''' Tabs widget. Can contain any tkinter widgets. Attributes ---------- i_current : int Index of the currently selected tab. buttons : list of objects List of tk.Button instances. pages : list of objects A list of Tkinter widgets the tab holds. ''' def __init__(self, parent, tab_names, elements=None, draw_frame=False, on_select_callback=None): ''' Initializing the tabs. Arguments --------- parent Tkinter parent widget tab_names Human readable names, shown in the buttons elements : None or list of classes If None (by default), initializes tk.Frames as tabs. You can get these tk.Frames are in pages attribute. Can also classes, that get initialized as this Tabs class as the sole argument. draw_frame : bool If True, draw an extra frame to confine the tabs on_select_callback : callable Callback that is executed just before changing the tab. Has to take in one argument that is new i_current (integer). ''' # Call init from LabelFrame if framing is wanted # Not sure if this can cause problems (when inheriting from tk.Frame) if draw_frame: tk.LabelFrame.__init__(self, parent) else: tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.on_select_callback = on_select_callback self.i_current = 0 self.buttons = [] self.pages = [] buttons_frame = tk.Frame(self) buttons_frame.grid() if elements is None: elements = [tk.Frame for i_tab in tab_names] # Initialize content/elements for i_button, (name, element) in enumerate(zip(tab_names, elements)): initialized_element = element(self) self.pages.append(initialized_element) button = tk.Button(buttons_frame, text=name, command=lambda i_button=i_button: self.set_page(i_button)) button.grid(row=0, column = i_button, sticky='N') self.buttons.append(button) self.pages[self.i_current].grid(row=1, columnspan=len(self.buttons), sticky='NSEW') self.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=1) self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) @property def tabs(self): return self.pages def set_page(self, i_page): ''' When button number i_button is pressed. ''' # Update i_current and take i_old for now i_old = self.i_current self.i_current = i_page if self.on_select_callback is not None: self.on_select_callback(self.i_current) # Remove the previously gridded widget self.pages[i_old].grid_remove() # Grid the new widget self.pages[self.i_current].grid(row=1, columnspan=len(self.buttons), sticky='NSEW') # Change button reliefs (pressed) self.buttons[i_old].config(relief=tk.RAISED) self.buttons[i_page].config(relief=tk.SUNKEN) def get_elements(self): ''' Returns the initialized elements which have to the Tab as their master/parent. ''' return self.pages
- tkinter.Frame
- tkinter.Widget
- tkinter.BaseWidget
- tkinter.Misc
- tkinter.Pack
- tkinter.Place
- tkinter.Grid
Instance variables
prop tabs
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@property def tabs(self): return self.pages
def get_elements(self)
Returns the initialized elements which have to the Tab as their master/parent.
def set_page(self, i_page)
When button number i_button is pressed.
class TickboxFrame (parent, options, fancynames=None, defaults=None, ncols=3, single_select=False, callback=None)
A series of tickboxes (Checkbuttons) and getting their True/False values.
- True/False
- self.states keys that have True value
- tk.Checkbutton objects
- Tkinter parent widget
- Names of the options
- Names to show on the gui
- Start values, True for ticked and False for unticked
- Number of columns
- If True, use Radiobuttons instead of Checkbuttons to only have one active selection at a time.
- Executed when there's a change in the tickboxes. Gets the self.states dict as an input argument.
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class TickboxFrame(tk.Frame): ''' A series of tickboxes (Checkbuttons) and getting their True/False values. Attributes ---------- states : dict True/False ticked : list self.states keys that have True value checkbuttons : list tk.Checkbutton objects ''' def __init__(self, parent, options, fancynames=None, defaults=None, ncols=3, single_select=False, callback=None): ''' parent Tkinter parent widget options : list of strings Names of the options fancynames : list of strings Names to show on the gui defaults : list of bools Start values, True for ticked and False for unticked ncols : int Number of columns single_select : bool If True, use Radiobuttons instead of Checkbuttons to only have one active selection at a time. callback : callable Executed when there's a change in the tickboxes. Gets the self.states dict as an input argument. ''' tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self._single_select = single_select if single_select: intvar = tk.IntVar() self.__states = {option: intvar for option in options} self._option_names = options try: intvar.set(defaults.index(True)) except: intvar.set(0) else: self.__states = {option: tk.IntVar() for option in options} if defaults is not None: for option, default in zip(options, defaults): self.__states[option].set( int(default) ) if fancynames is None: fancynames = {option: option for option in options} else: fancynames = {option: fancyname for option, fancyname in zip(options, fancynames)} if single_select: self.checkbuttons = [tk.Radiobutton(self, text=fancynames[option], variable=self.__states[option], command=callback, value=i_option) for i_option, option in enumerate(options)] else: self.checkbuttons = [tk.Checkbutton(self, text=fancynames[option], variable=self.__states[option], command=callback) for option in options] i_row = 1 i_col = 1 for button in self.checkbuttons: button.grid(row=i_row, column=i_col) i_col += 1 if i_col > ncols: i_col = 1 i_row += 1 @property def states(self): if self._single_select: return {option: int(self.__states[option].get()) == i for i, option in enumerate(self._option_names)} else: return {option: bool(intvar.get()) for option, intvar in self.__states.items()} @states.setter def states(self, s): for option in self.__states.keys(): value = s.get(option, None) if value is not None: self.__states[option].set(value) @property def ticked(self): return [s for s, b in self.states.items() if b]
- tkinter.Frame
- tkinter.Widget
- tkinter.BaseWidget
- tkinter.Misc
- tkinter.Pack
- tkinter.Place
- tkinter.Grid
Instance variables
prop states
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@property def states(self): if self._single_select: return {option: int(self.__states[option].get()) == i for i, option in enumerate(self._option_names)} else: return {option: bool(intvar.get()) for option, intvar in self.__states.items()}
prop ticked
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@property def ticked(self): return [s for s, b in self.states.items() if b]