Module gonioanalysis.tkgui.widgets.zero_correct

Interactive tkinter widget for calibrating the vertical zero-rotation.


class ZeroCorrect (tk_parent, specimen_path, alr_data_path, callback=None)

Creates a frame where one can perform zero correction (atenna level search) for a specimen using reference specimen (alr, antenna level reference)

This is (maybe better) alternative to the command line tool,, that uses binary search tactics to match.

Construct a frame widget with the parent MASTER.

Valid resource names: background, bd, bg, borderwidth, class, colormap, container, cursor, height, highlightbackground, highlightcolor, highlightthickness, relief, takefocus, visual, width.

Expand source code
class ZeroCorrect(tk.Frame):
    Creates a frame where one can perform zero correction (atenna level search)
    for a specimen using reference specimen (alr, antenna level reference)
    This is (maybe better) alternative to the command line tool,,
    that uses binary search tactics to match.

    def __init__(self, tk_parent, specimen_path, alr_data_path, callback=None):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, tk_parent)
        self.parent = tk_parent
        self.callback = callback

        self.specimen_name = os.path.basename(specimen_path)

        # Load data
        self.specimen_pitches, self.specimen_images = load_drosom(specimen_path)
        #self.reference_pitches, self.reference_images = {fn: pitch for pitch, fn in loadReferenceFly(alr_data_path).items()}
            alr_data = load_reference_fly(alr_data_path)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            alr_data = {}

        self.reference_pitches, self.reference_images = [[],[]]
        for pitch, fn in sorted(alr_data.items(), key=lambda x: float(x[0])):

        # Set plotters
        self.specimen_plotter = CanvasPlotter(self, text=specimen_path)
        self.specimen_plotter.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='NSWE')

        self.reference_plotter = CanvasPlotter(self, text='Reference fly')
        self.reference_plotter.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='NSEW')
        if not alr_data:
  , 0.1, (
                    "No reference data created. Options:\n"
                    "  A) Set correction manually\n"
                    "  B) Run scripts/"),

        self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
        self.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=1)

        # Help text
        tk.Label(self, text='Rotate the reference until it matches the specimen and press Next image.\nAlternatively, set manual correction.').grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2)

        # Set buttons
        buttons_frame = tk.LabelFrame(self, text='Rotate reference')
        buttons_frame.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2)
        steps = [-20, -5, -3, -1, 1, 3, 5, 20]
        for i_column, step in enumerate(steps):
            button = tk.Button(buttons_frame, text=str(step), command=lambda step=step: self.rotate_reference(step))
            button.grid(row=1, column=i_column)
        self.set_button = tk.Button(self, text='Next image', command=self.set_image)
        self.set_button.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=2)
        self.set_manual_button = tk.Button(self, text='Set manual correction...', command=self.set_manual)
        self.set_manual_button.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky='E')

        # Loop variables
        self.i_specimen = 0
        self.i_reference = 0
        # Offset between each specimen-reference image is saved here.
        self.offsets = []

    def rotate_reference(self, steps):
        When user clicks to rotate the reference fly.
        self.i_reference += steps
        if self.i_reference >= len(self.reference_pitches):
            self.i_reference = len(self.reference_pitches) - 1
        elif self.i_reference < 0:
            self.i_reference = 0

    def set_image(self):
        When user sets the current reference rotation as the best match
        offset = float(self.specimen_pitches[self.i_specimen]) - float(self.reference_pitches[self.i_reference])
        self.i_specimen += 1

        if self.i_specimen == len(self.specimen_pitches):

    def update_plots(self):
        Call to update imshow plots.
        if self.reference_images:
            self.reference_image = next(stackread(self.reference_images[self.i_reference]))
            self.reference_plotter.imshow(self.reference_image, cmap='gray', slider=True)

        self.specimen_image = next(stackread(self.specimen_images[self.i_specimen]))
        self.specimen_plotter.imshow(self.specimen_image, cmap='gray', slider=True)

    def set_manual(self):
        Let the user specify a manual correction, skipping the rotation process.
        value = tk.simpledialog.askstring("Manual correction value",
                "The vertical angle when the deep\npseudopupils align with the antenna?", parent=self)
        if value:
            self.offsets = float(value)

    def report(self):
        Report the results with a pop up window
        message = 'Correction value set as {}'.format(np.mean(self.offsets))
        tk.messagebox.showinfo('Zero correction ready', message, parent=self)
        save_antenna_level_correction(self.specimen_name, np.mean(self.offsets))
        if self.callback:



  • tkinter.Frame
  • tkinter.Widget
  • tkinter.BaseWidget
  • tkinter.Misc
  • tkinter.Pack
  • tkinter.Place
  • tkinter.Grid


def report(self)

Report the results with a pop up window

def rotate_reference(self, steps)

When user clicks to rotate the reference fly.

def set_image(self)

When user sets the current reference rotation as the best match

def set_manual(self)

Let the user specify a manual correction, skipping the rotation process.

def update_plots(self)

Call to update imshow plots.