Module gonioanalysis.drosom.loading
Functions related to DrosoM data loading.
Module Level Variables
REPETITION_INDICATOR : str In filenames, the text preceding the repetition value POSITION_INDICATOR : str In filenames, the text preceding the imaging location value IMAGE_NAME_EXTENSIONS : str File name extensions that are treated as image files.
def angleFromFn(fn)
Returns the horizontal and vertical angles from a given filename The filename must be IMSOFT formatted as im_pos(-30, 170)_rep0_0.tiff
fn Filename, from which to read the angles
def angles_from_fn(fn, prefix='pos')
Takes in a filename that somewhere contains string "pos(hor, ver)", for example "pos(-30, 170)" and returns tuple (-30, 170)
- Rotation stage values or (0, 0) if the rotation was not found.
def arange_fns(fns)
Arange filenames based on REPETITION_INDICATOR and POSITION_INDICATOR in their time order (repeat 1, image1,2,3,4, repeat 2, image1,2,3,4, …).
If no indicators are found in the filenames then the ordering is at least alphabetical.
def load_data(drosom_folder)
Loads GonioImsoft imaging data filenames into a dictionary.
The data has to be saved according to the folder hierarchy:
LEVEL Content Examples 1 specimen_folder "DrosoM2" 2 image_folder "pos(0, 0)" "pos(20, 20)") "pos(0, 10)_somesuffixhere" 3 image files "im_pos(0, 0)_rep0_stack.tiff", "im_pos(0, 0)_rep0_cam2_stack.tiff"
- Path to the specimen folder that contains the image folders.
Contains the str((horizontal, pitch)) as keys and a list of image stacks as values.
stacks_dictionary = {"(hor1, pitch1): [[stack_rep1], [stack_rep2], ...]"}, where stack_rep1 = [image1_fn, image2_fn, ...].
Notice 1: The horizontal and pitch angles in the keys are in rotary encoder steps (not degrees).
def split_to_repeats(fns)
Split a list of filenames into repeats (sublists) based on the REPETITION_INDICATOR
- 1D sequence of filenames
- A list where each item is a sublist of filenames (or empty list if there were no filenames for that repeat)