Module gonioanalysis.coordinates

Working in 3D space


def camera2Fly(horizontal, vertical, radius=1)

With the given goniometer positions, calculates camera's position in fly's cartesian coordinate system.

Input in degrees

def camera_rotation(horizontal, vertical, return_degrees=False)

Camera's rotation

def camvec2Fly(imx, imy, horizontal, vertical, radius=1, normalize=False)

Returns 3D vector endpoints.

normalize If true, return unit length vectors

def distance(a, b)

Calculates distance between two points in 3D cartesian space. a,b (x,y,z)

def force_to_tplane(P0, P1, radius=1)

Forces a vector (P0-P1) on a tangent plane of a sphere but retaining the vector's length

P0 is the point on the sphere (and the tangent plane) P1 is the point off the tangent plane

Returns P2, point on the tangent plane and the line connecting the sphere centre point to the P1.


def get_rotation_matrix(axis, rot)

Returns an elementar rotation matrix.

axis 'x', 'y', or 'z' rot rotation in radians

def mean_vector(point, vectors)

Average vectors and return a vector at point point.

def nearest_neighbour(point_A, points_B, max_distance=None)

Return the nearest point to the point_A from points_B.

point_A 1D np.array [x0, y0, z0] points_B 2D np.array [ [x1,y1,z1], [z2,y2,z2], … ]

def normalize(P0, P1, scale=1)

Normalize a vector

P0 Vector start point P1 Vector end point

def optimal_sampling(horizontals, verticals)

Determine optimal way to sample using two orthogonal goniometers.

def rotate_about_x(point, degs)

Rotate a point in 3D space along the first axis (x-axis).

def rotate_along_arbitrary(P1, points, rot)

Rotate along arbitrary axis.

P0 is at origin.

P0 and P1 specify the rotation axis

Implemented from here:


P1 : np.ndarray
points : np.ndarray
rot : float or int
Rotation in radians (not degres!)
def rotate_points(points, yaw, pitch, roll)

Just as rotate_vectors but only for points.


yaw, pitch, roll : float or int
Rotations in radians (not degrees!)
def rotate_vectors(points, vectors, yaw, pitch, roll)

In the beginning, it is assumed that yaw rotation along Z pitch rotation along X roll rotation along Y

ie that the fly head is at zero rotation, antenna roots pointing towards positive y-axis.

def test1_camera_rotation()
def test2_camera_rotation()
def test_camvec2Fly()
def test_imx()
def test_rotate_vectors()
def to_spherical(x, y, z, return_degrees=False)

Transform to spherical coordinates (ISO)

return_degrees If true, return angles in degrees instead of radians

Returns: r, phi, theta

def where_vertical_between(points_3d, lower=None, upper=None, reverse=False)

'Returns a boolean array based on points' vertical angle.

Takes in 3D points and returns an 1D True/False array of length points_3d


points_3d : sequence
A sequence of (x,y,z) points
lower : float
Lower vertical angle degree in degrees
upper : float
reverse : bool
If True, inverses the returned array (True -> False and vice versa).


booleans : ndarray
1D True/False array